3 Jobs That Are Great for Creative People


Pursuing a career in a creative field can be fulfilling and lucrative for those with imagination and original ideas. Creative careers require more work, hours, and dedication than traditional careers with regular business hours. Creative professionals enjoy flexible schedules because they are usually self-employed freelancers or work as contractors, and creative fields are collaborative and bring creative minds together to brainstorm and execute a unique final product. One of the best things about a creative career is that the work is ever-changing and takes thinking outside the box to find solutions to unique challenges to meet fast-paced deadlines.

  1. Design Careers

There are several career paths you can pursue related to design. Art directors, who have similar roles to creative directors, are tasked with the visual aspects of marketing and media campaigns, and they manage and mentor junior-level designers. Creative thinkers might consider a career as a marketing designer. They work with marketing teams to methodically plan a range of assets, such as e-books, sales materials, and graphics for marketing strategies. User experience designers (UX designers) make websites and cloud-based products user-friendly and functional.

Working closely with an academic advisor in high school is a great way to determine your educational goals and develop a solid plan for getting admitted into a top college. Having a dedicated college counselor who works with you every step of the way of the college admission process can improve your chances of getting admitted into your dream school. The college admissions counselors at Empowerly have an impressive success rate in helping high school students prepare for college applications and the admissions process. The best college advisors take a holistic approach to college application counseling to help students identify their strengths and prepare for higher education. Their admission consultants can help with admissions committee reviews, college counseling, college essay editing, advice about financial aid and scholarships, and internship matching.

  1. Visual Art Careers

There are many career options for those keen on visual art. Industrial designers create visual experiences that translate to everyday things like home decor and toys. It’s a great job for those who enjoy visual art, business, and engineering. Interior designers are responsible for making interior spaces functional and attractive. They consider space requirements and curate the right decorative elements to bring spaces to life. Interior designers work on both residential and commercial interiors. Video editors create and edit videos for television, streaming sites, social media, and events.

When it comes to creating original video content, it’s a good idea to work with a professional videographer who uses the latest audio and video technology. COLDEA Productions is a creative services provider that specializes in video production, commercial photography, and animation for corporations and midsize businesses. The Coldea Productions team has years of experience in the film business creating everything from commercials and how-to videos to product and training videos. COLDEA Productions offers a full range of video services that include preproduction consulting, production, and postproduction editing.

  1. Creative Writing Careers

Those who enjoy being creative with words will find several types of creative writing careers to pursue. Copywriters are tasked with brainstorming catchy, impactful taglines and product descriptions. They can be responsible for copy on the internet or copy on items such as toothpaste or greeting cards. Content marketers generate content that attracts target audiences without overtly promoting products. They create content such as blog posts and social media posts that solve a problem or unmet need. Social media marketers have similar tasks to content marketers; however, they do promote product offerings. They use high-quality content to drive organic traffic to websites and social media pages.

These are just some great suggestions for creative individuals thinking about pursuing careers in creative fields.