How to Succeed As a Health Coach


Whether you’re struggling to stay healthy or looking for guidance and accountability on your health journey, a health coach can be a valuable resource. Health coaches work with clients to identify areas for improvement and create sustainable, positive lifestyle changes. They can help you navigate the medical system and stick with your treatment plan if you have chronic disease, like heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes. And they can teach you how to manage stress, sleep better, and develop healthy eating habits.

The field of health coaching is still fairly new, so there isn’t one set career path for coaches. Some choose to focus on wellness goals, such as weight loss or improved mental health, while others specialize in chronic disease management, such as helping clients cope with their cancer diagnosis or learning how to effectively manage their diabetes through diet and exercise. Some health coaches also work in clinics, assisting physicians in developing patient care plans and delivering wellness programs.

For many, the best health coaches combine their skills as wellness specialists with a solid understanding of human psychology. They’re able to empathize with their clients’ struggles and provide the motivational encouragement they need to get back on track with their wellness goals. They know how to encourage their clients to look at the big picture, instead of focusing only on short-term rewards. They’re also able to help their clients overcome limiting beliefs that may be holding them back from their true potential.

As the demand for health and wellness coaches continues to grow, so do opportunities for flexible careers that allow you to balance your professional life with your family responsibilities. Health coach jobs offer a variety of scheduling options, including part-time and full-time positions that can fit your schedule, and they often don’t require a bachelor’s degree. Many health coaches start their careers in an entry-level role, such as a health education specialist or a nutritionist, to gain experience and build their portfolio.

While a health coach training program can equip you with the tools you need to succeed, it’s important to consider your personal qualities before starting the career. In addition to a strong desire to empower others, you’ll need to be curious enough to ask questions that uncover a client’s motivation for change. You’ll also need to learn how to listen from a neutral, nonjudgmental place.

Depending on your preferences, you might want to pursue additional certifications after earning your health coach certificate. This can help you specialize in certain areas of wellness and design a private practice that meets the needs of your desired clients. You can also consider taking business courses to develop the skills necessary to run your own health and wellness coaching practice. health coach