Need a Criminal Lawyer? Where to Start


Have you or someone dear to you run into trouble with the law? New Zealanders are relatively law-abiding people – which is not to say that from time-to-time we may need a NZ criminal lawyer. Have you been involved in stuff that may be criminal in nature? Whatever made you read this article, a few things may be presumed: you need a lawyer for a crime that you or a loved one did, is thinking of doing, or is doing right now. Fortunately in New Zealand lawyers are cheaper than in places such as the US.

Most crimes committed on a daily basis often involve traffic. A perfect example would be driving when you’ve had too much to drink. In New Zealand, people are often apprehended with charges of excess breath or blood alcohol. It means you’ve reached alcohol levels beyond what a normal driving person is capable of holding. Alcohol, after all, impedes your reflexes and discretion. One shouldn’t be allowed to drive when drunk as he poses grave danger to himself or his property, or to another or that other person’s property.

Should a conviction for drunk driving be had, a person must secure a limited license or a working license. When the criteria for obtaining a limited license are met, it will allow a person to drive around under stern conditions notwithstanding a compulsory qualification that will be imposed. You can also seek a limited license for cases which involve a demerit point disqualification. A local lawyer will come very handy in assisting you with these matters.

You’re probably toying with a question in your head right now – how to find a good criminal lawyer in New Zealand? Now if you are going to court you are probably going to be needing an lawyer in Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch.

Three Ways To Find a New Zealand Criminal Lawyer

1. Online. It’s much easier now than ever. For starters, you can check lawyer search sites online. Make sure you are looking at local New Zealand sites. Just type in your location and the area of practice you’re concerned with and a list of lawyers will be given to you together with their contact details.

2. Bar Association. You can check the New Zealand Bar Association for lawyers in your locality. You can also specify that you’re searching for a criminal lawyer. And don’t underestimate the helpful abilities of your trusty yellow pages. Many lawyers are listed there, often stating their area of expertise.

3. Referrals. If you’re not too keen on setting up an appointment with a random lawyer, you might want to ask for referrals from people you trust. You could try asking your accountant or a lawyer in the company where you’re employed. With the kind of work they are in, they should know a couple of lawyers practicing criminal law. If not, they can work their network and ask for a criminal lawyer. If that doesn’t yield you a lawyer, you can always ask friends and family for help. They probably know someone who knows a criminal lawyer or have themselves been served by a trustworthy lawyer. Buchhaltung