Radio control Helicopter Repair and Maintenance


The level of engineering within the body of a radio control helicopter is quite technical and the presence of person with the necessary know-how may be quite valuable when it comes to dismantling the whole thing. Simple maintenance processes including dusting the components and fixing minor breakages and crack might be appropriate for the do-it-yourself king of people. However,Guest Posting the more complex processes of repairing major damages may be suitable and better off under the case of trained personnel who knows their way around the interior of such a complex piece of equipment.

A radio control helicopter operator must have a number of tools with them that will aid in minor and major operations after a crash. These may include screw drivers, Allen keys, and needle nose pliers, hex drivers of different sizes, scissors, multi blade knife and glue. These are the most basic of all the necessary tools. The most common result of a radio control helicopter crash is a broken blade. Repairing a blade using glue will most probably result to a vibrating helicopter when it is in motion. Therefore, any broken blade should be replaced. The bolt that holds the blade in place can be removed using an Allen key. Remember to buy a new blade that is similar in size as the broken one and tighten fasten it into place with the bolt. Be careful when tightening, as overdoing it may cause the new blade to crack at the center.

A crash may also cause the radio control helicopter to continuously rotate and spin. This may be caused by a difference in pitch (number of rotations) of the blades. This is correctable by making minor adjustments on the transmitter’s trim. You should bend the blade’s back edge carefully so as to increase its pitch. This should be done regardless of the direction the helicopter spins towards. If this persists, you should consult a radio control helicopter expert for detailed advice and service. However, if you are doing it alone, a gentle bend should be able to do the trick. If after a crash, the top of the blade does not spin, this may be because the rotor shaft got loosened, causing improper interlocking within the gears. If this happens, then the rotor shaft needs to get tightened on a solid surface that is used as a support base. Still, be very careful so as not to over tighten the bolt as the rotor shaft may get stuck and this will cause it not to spin freely.  bolt threads per inch