Social Networks in Contemporary Business Scenarios


Recently I attended one of the Entrepreneurs Meet up Groups; “Minibar Monthly Meet-up” It was more of a social get together rather than a formal meeting, where people with shared interests from different backgrounds and each with their own expertise gather to discuss web applications, start-ups, social Networks (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn) investment and general Web 2.0 information. As well as consuming the occasional Beer!

One of the topics brought up at the meeting was on “Social Networking ” and why we need it to promote our business, website, or blog that discussion led me to write this post;

Importance of Social Networks in Online Businesses:

Social Networks can act as your businesses brands’ ambassadors by promoting your products and services on different popular networking websites which are used by billions of people online every day. You should build a presence for your business – products and services both on these Social networks for the following reasons:

Communication Platform: Social Networks provide organizations a platform to communicate and interact with its target audiences. They also allow businesses to engage in a two way feedback with their customers.

Customer Service Tool: Social Networks serve as customer service tools for organization because therein, you are listening to the views, complaints and suggestion of your customers, which can help you in improving your products and services.

Raising Brand awareness: All Social Networks now have a sharing option via which you could distribute content pictures, articles, videos, etc. to external websites and blogs as well. Thus, giving a boost to your brand awareness as this information is shared among the masses online.

Increasing Brand Recall: When you actively communicate at Social Networks your followers are tuned in, which puts your product in the ‘Top of the Mind’ category and increases its recall in comparison with competitors.

Attracting Prospective Customers: Social Networks are a medium for generating new potential customers who might want to try out your products because of your active campaigning, communication and display of your products and services online. Marketing paradigm has shifted, more and more businesses are becoming highly customer-oriented, for that you need to be constantly in touch with your customers. That is where the Social Networks come in; they are a channel for real-time communication between your products and your customers.

Let’s look at some of the most significant Social Networks of today

With over 500 million active users, Facebook is no doubt a powerful Social Network, which is rapidly growing in use and popularity still. You wouldn’t find anyone who is not a member of Facebook now. So just imagine what Facebook could do for your business with its influential conversation and advertising forums.

Benefits of using Facebook:


  • It helps in massive new customer acquisitions.
  • Facebook is a great platform for brand image building.
  • Free of cost marketing via Facebook fan pages.
  • Targeted advertising through CPM and CPC.
  • You can engage in continuous customer interactivity and feedback
  • Facebook offers increased visibility for your products and services.


Role of Facebook in promoting marketing your online business:


  • Facebook helps in synchronized participation in events and conversations
  • It is a medium to generate insights give continuous feedbacks.
  • Facebook helps in marketing activities and campaigns.
  • It is a great tool for public relationing.
  • Facebook marketing supports your products and services online.
  • It generates positive word of mouth and attracts customers.


Why you need to use Facebook in modern business world:


  • It helps you sat head to head with your competition in online marketing campaigning.
  • Facebook drives traffic to your corporate website.
  • You can reach your precise target audiences through targeted ads.
  • It helps you build beneficial relationships with your customers and prospects.
  • Through Facebook you can launch innovative marketing campaigns.


There are about 190 million people who tweet on Twitter. It is one the fastest growing micro-blogging and data streaming sites. Twitter has high-profile users which makes it more popular among people, for they can follow their icons.

Benefits of using Twitter:


  • Maximizing your brand awareness by tweets.
  • You could gather intelligence on what your competitors are doing via Twitter.
  • Twitter promotes multimedia embedded content.
  • You could engage in question and answer sessions on Twitter, and provide useful information to your customers.
  • Twitter works like a mini-press release for your latest developments in business.
  • You could generate additional traffic for your website or Blog by publishing content with your website or blog link in tweets.


Role of Twitter in promoting marketing your online business:


  • Twitter allows efficient networking with large groups of people simultaneously.
  • Through Twitter you can instantaneously interact and communicate with your customers and colleagues.
  • Twitter provides a steady stream of ideas, contents, links and resources which can be very helpful in generating insights for your business.


Why you need to use Twitter in modern business world:


  • You can target your online marketing campaigns at your target audiences effectively via Twitter.
  • Twitter generates substantial amount of online traffic to your website or blog for free.
  • With Twitter you can remain up-to-date on the latest trends, happenings and demands of the industry and your target market.
  • You will find honest product reviews and service experiences on Twitter through which you can make the necessary changes or improve your current product offerings.
  • Through Twitter you could conduct customer polls about your products and services and check how well they are faring in the markets, this can help you in your market research.
  • You can link your tweets to promotional content to increase your potential sales.
  • With timed tweets you can have maximized views of your product offerings.


YouTube has over one billion users; with such a huge number of users it offers a platform with huge potential for businesses to target and promote themselves at.

Benefits of using YouTube:


  • YouTube is the fourth most visited website on the internet, thus, creating a presence for your website or blog on YouTube means you will have access to a greater number of potential customers.
  • YouTube provides you a unique way of promoting your businesses; previously product ads could only be watched on TV or a few websites but with the advent of YouTube you can broadcast your videos and ads, etc to be viewed by everyone and anyone.
  • Google always list your YouTube page matching the search keyword in the top results.
  • You could market your product promotion videos, instructional videos etc. on YouTube for free.


Role of YouTube in promoting marketing your online business:


  • YouTube allows potential customers to view your product in detail before buying.
  • YouTube provides an entertaining medium to check out information, brands, musicians, along with related products and services.
  • YouTube like all other Social Networks provide interactive commenting and feedback from customers.
  • If you belong to the entertainment industry then YouTube can help you greatly by promoting your videos, movies, songs, etc.
  • Businesses and artists can create channels to broadcast their video to be viewed by the masses.
  • You can link the content to YouTube which was previously on your website so as to provide faster browsing.
  • You can upload your business presentations and material on YouTube to be viewed and used as convenient.
  • With YouTube you have the option to upload and distribute informative and educational videos for your target audiences.


Why you need to use YouTube in modern business world:


  • If you belong to the entertainment industry then YouTube can help you greatly by promoting your videos, movies, songs, etc.
  • Businesses and artists can create channels to broadcast their video to be viewed by the masses.
  • You can link the content to YouTube which was previously on your website so as to provide faster browsing.
  • You can upload your business presentations and material on YouTube to be viewed and used as convenient.
  • With YouTube you have the option to upload and distribute informative and educational videos for your target audiences.


LinkedIn is business networking website with around about 100 million users. Since LinkedIn is used by all professionals and business people, it is a great medium for getting in touch with your prospective business clients, as it is a huge B-to-B interactive portal; while also keeping a tab on your competition. buy youtube social shares