Understanding Operating Systems


Operating systems are the foundation of computers and mobile devices, and are necessary for running programs like MS Office and games. Whether you’re interested in a career in IT or just want to understand how the world around you works, it’s important to understand how technology operates.

Among their many functions, Operating systems manage the computer’s central processor unit and hardware such as memory, disk drives and printers. They also establish a user interface, which means they control the way you interact with your computer.

The OS identifies, records and configures device drivers, software programs that enable the OS to interact with specific hardware components such as keyboards or monitors. It then uses memory management, scheduling algorithms and other processes to make sure that different processes can coexist in memory without interfering with one another. The OS also provides networking capabilities by implementing protocols that connect devices and users over the internet or local area network.

Before the introduction of the Graphical User Interface, users had to input commands using a Command Line Interface, which was not comfortable for many people. The GUI was a great development because it streamlined operations, making them more user-friendly and allowing even novices to use a computer.

Today, the computing landscape is full of operating system challenges that have been exacerbated by the growth of the internet. Many of these issues are complex, and cannot be solved by the research community alone. They must be partnered with researchers from other fields, including computer architecture, programming languages and software tools. Otherwise, we will continue to experience software systems that are unsatisfactory in terms of performance, scalability and security.