Fenben For Humans and Joe Tippens


Fenben for humans is a drug that was initially used for animals to treat parasitic diseases and worms such as tapeworm, roundworm, whipworm, and hookworm. However, it has now been found to have a powerful anti-cancer action, and this happens through the modification of various cellular pathways. This discovery has led to a new study, which shows that this drug suppresses cancer cell growth and finally leads to their death.

The study was conducted by scientists from the National Centre for Human Genome Studies and Research (NCHGSR) at Panjab University. In their experiment, they treated human non-small cell lung cancer cells with fenbendazole and examined them for changes in their structure. They found that fenbendazole caused partial alteration in the microtubule network around the nucleus of cancer cells and also boosted the activity of wild-type (WT) p53 tumor suppressor genes, which enhanced their cell death-inducing activity.

Another interesting finding was that fenbendazole inhibited the ability of cancer cells to take up glucose. This is important, because cancer cells tend to use up more glucose than normal cells, in order to fuel their growth and survival. This finding has helped scientists understand how fenbendazole can selectively kill cancer cells by targeting their glucose uptake.

Scientists have also studied the effect of fenbendazole on 5-fluorouracil-resistant hepatocellular carcinoma (H4IIE) cells and found that it inhibited the growth of these cells in vitro by downregulating key glycolytic enzymes and GLUT transporters, as well as enhancing p53-mediated cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. In addition, fenbendazole-treated H4IIE cells displayed reduced autophagy and ferroptosis augmentation compared to untreated cells, which suggests that this drug is capable of eliminating resistant cancers by multiple mechanisms.

A couple of years ago, a cancer patient named Joe Tippens was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. He was told by doctors that he only had three months to live and decided to try an alternative treatment. He started taking a combination of fenbendazole, curcumin, and CBD to treat his condition. He claims that the protocol worked and that he is now cancer free.

There are many cases of people claiming that they have healed their cancer using alternative treatments. These claims are often made on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, where it is difficult for medical professionals to verify the validity of these claims. As a result, physicians should be careful about advising patients about these treatments. However, if you do decide to try an alternative treatment, it is important to work with a reputable practitioner. fenben for humans